Amber Brose
Perspectives on the Criminal Legal System in the Lehigh Valley

Missy Connolly
Busing Policies in the Bethlehem Area School District and How They Impact Students

Elianne Daou
A Quantitative Study of the History of Redlining and Trends in Gun Violence

Hiwot Demelash
The Obstacles to a Mass Black Liberation Movement in America, and How to Overcome Them

Gardyney Deshommes
A Quantitative Study of the History of Redlining and Trends in Gun Violence

Victoria Isabel Drzymala
Diverse Future Leaders: Government and Politics Internship

Beimnet Kebede
Understanding the Historical Relationship Between Police and the Lehigh Community

Jarrid Levy
Ending Solitary Confinement

Samantha Mapps
Teaching Young Children about Antiracism through Interactive Booksharing

Kwynsky Miguel
The Demystifying Microaggressions Speaker Series

Chloe Moros
Redefining Coding Curriculums to Provide Equal Opportunities to Underprivileged Students

Theresa Schinkowitch
Teaching Young Children about Antiracism through Interactive Booksharing

Joseph "JJ" Swenson
Institutional Antiracism: Stories from Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni
For more information about our 2022 Marcon Mountain Hawk Fellows, please find their bios here.
To learn more about the Marcon Mountain Hawk Fellow program, or to become a part of the 2023 cohort, email marconinst@lehigh.edu.